4 Keys To Success

4 Keys To Success

4 Keys To Success

You’d be hard pressed trying to find someone who doesn’t want to be successful.  If we are honest EVERYONE wants to be successful. Success is glorious, desirable, and brings many benefits. While the shininess of success is attractive, most people are not willing to pay the high price tag success requires. Here are four keys to success, that if adopted and applied, will definitely move you toward success.



Success requires believing in yourself and that you will be successful. Belief is first because it’s a non-negotiable. Your level of belief will determine where you go in life and what you achieve.  Your level of belief will determine where you go in life and what you achieve. Share on X Belief in yourself provides you with the self-esteem and the courage to step out and start pursuing your dreams. That is why we must raise and maintain our levels of belief.  If believing in yourself seems hard or you find yourself doubting yourself from time to time, consider doing the following:

  • Shift your words and thoughts toward the positive or good
  • Feed your mind with positive growth inducing content
  • Associate with people who will lift you up and encourage you.



If you want to be successful, you must have a clear and strategic plan of action. A good plan with action steps navigates you in the right direction and allows you to remain focused on your priorities. You must know what you want to achieve and take time to plan accordingly.



Having a clear and strategic plan will not help if you don’t take the initiative and get started. Initiative is about starting and consistently working hard on a project or task until completion. It’s about seeing the opportunity or knowing what you need to do, then proactively doing it.  Anyone can start something but only the successful people work on the project, product, or invention until completion.  I’ve heard it been said that “The book ends of success are starting and finishing.” That requires initiative. Anyone can start something but only the successful people work on the project, product, or invention until completion. Share on X


Success requires dedication. It often involves a lot of time, hard work, and energy to start a business, publish a book, lose weight, or anything you’re aiming to be successful at. Being dedicated to what you are doing helps you to persevere through the challenging seasons you will face and drives you forward. Dedication is like glue, it holds you together and keeps you focused on your priorities when things get tough. You must dedicate yourself to the area you want to be successful at or in if you’re going to achieve results. It will significantly help and increase the chances of success if those areas were within your strength zones, passions, and life purpose. Dedicate yourself to be and work in those areas, and you will begin to see success.

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